Dec 24, 2009
Something to think about
First, I was dying 2 finish my high school & start college & then I was dying 2 finish college & start working. Then I was dying 2 marry & haue & then I was dying 2 have my children grow old enough so I could go back 2 work but then I was dying 2 retire & now I'm dying.....& suddenly I forgot 2 live. Please don't let this happen 2 you, Appreciate your current situation & enjoy each day..old friend!! No this is not true of me but gives a sole something to think about.
Dec 16, 2009
Sep 17, 2009
Potty training fun...or not so much!!!
My son is getting potty training and here he sits on the potty I turned my back to throw away the diaper and the toothpaste monster attacked him...See it there all over his peepee...his leg..his hand??? UUUGGGHHH!!
Sep 15, 2009
Sep 14, 2009
Long lost lives......!!
So many times in the last 20 years I have thought back to my friends in school and wondered where they are now. And although I switched school a lot and never really had a friend ALL through school or anything like that there were people i encountered that stuck with me through the years. Lately I have found it to be important to find and catch up with some of these people and it has taken along time to track them down after all these years.
However, I have indeed found three of them they are all from different eras of my life and live all over the place but finding them and knowing they remember me and that I too left my mark in there life has brought me a sorta of calming peace and inner grasp on life as I thought I had known it.
My advice to you ladies and gentlemen today is if somewhere inside you feel the desire to reminisce don't delay and let others tell you that was too long ago and those people wont know who you are because people do remember and by doing this venture in your life you will develop a sense of personal empowerment when you have accomplished your search.
I hope god and friends find you well through your years on earth.
Sep 11, 2009
The innocence of childhood
Wouldnt it be nice to still be this innocent??
Well Some of think we still are but hey girls you aint got me fooled!!
Got to love life.
Sep 8, 2009
Sep 4, 2009
Time for sticking things in the diaper stage...
He is just so cute but I wish things and fingers would stop going in the diaper it drives me batty...Today the comb tommorow the kitchen
Aug 26, 2009
Lightning is fantastic!! Check this out.

If there ever was...Its now!!
Hi again everyone...My life has been so busy these days I don't even have much time for my blog now that's bad hey. In the last few weeks/months we have went from renting a house to living with family and now we are buying a house of our own. WOW!!! Who ever would of thought that this would be such a head ache..literally. I know it will pan off in the end but the paper work and the inspections and the appraisals and still I cant live in the house till the 19th of September.
I cant believe this has to be so darned difficult. Not to mention the kids are way excited to have room to grow and play freely. The house is on 2 acres and its a all brick home with 4-6 bedrooms (depending how you look at it) and 2 baths. Its so beautiful and large and well perfect for us....but in the short run is it worth all the monies being put out to satisfy the lender and everyone else too. Paying for appraisal before i even get final approval is not my idea of fun in the sun if ya know what i mean.
I am gonna post some pics of the house below and you tell me. I will try once again to get better at keeping my blog up to date I'm sorry Ive slacked again.
Aug 23, 2009
Jun 18, 2009
Jun 15, 2009
Jun 13, 2009
Where our trouble lives lead us
There are so many different kinds of people in the world and I have met my fair share i tell ya. But do you ever ask yourself how these peoples lives really are? Do you wonder what makes them so great together? I have seen relationships fail and succeed just like you all and I have yet to understand how is that people carry on knowing there are people in there lives that have hearts and have hurt over things that have been done or said by they themselves. Do they care ? Do they know? Do they even try to understand?
I know that in my life there has been plenty of things between man and wife that was anything but pretty and the regrets i feel to this day well outweigh the outcome of things done and said. And yes i still believe we spend everyday struggling to move on without letting those things hurt us.
So what is it that makes life so hard and life events so mortifying? Do we think we are irreplacable? do we really think that the grass is greener on the other side? Many of us know thats only true till we get there. And for the rest it is true...because we started out on the wrong side of the fence to begin with. Have you ever done the most terrible things to the one you claim to love? If so are they undoable and do you still struggle on together even though the pain is undying?
And most importantly WHY?
Jun 12, 2009
What do you all think?
I have been doing many updates with this blog Please tell me if they are good and what you think could be better Because I love input It keeps my brain busy. Also I check in on your blogs as often as i can let me know who you are and i will be there. Also if anyone has ideas on how or where to go to make my own button for others to have on there blog form me I would like to know as well. And to top it off I would like a three column blog again i think what do you think and where can i get the instructions on hoe to creat it. I really appreciate this all everyone. Happy Blogging!
Jun 8, 2009
Jun 5, 2009
Just wanted you all to know im still alive just trying to get in the groove of the summer rush time. With t-ball for Austin and Baseball for Dakota and then the baby running with me to all that the hubby is on the road alot and well crap I still am only ONE person and im tired alot. I will try to get better at brining you all great kids shot of tball and the summer ahead thank for reading.

May 6, 2009
Apr 26, 2009
What is this on my skin??
What is this and why does it attack me each year for last two years? Last year it was my legs this years its my arms. I use no lotion and have changed soap since last years incident with this so its not topical stuff i could be using. So tell me am I deseased????
Apr 23, 2009
Harness Buddy!!!
Dalton and his little Monkey on my back Harness Buddy...It makes him mad right now but I think its safer and hell get used to it.
Wanted to share some great opps with every one
There are so many scams out there and I wanted you all to know that making money isn't hard as long as your know you wont get rich quick and be realistic...Here some of the things I do to make buck on the net and yes they pay and no
I'm not rich but they pay and grow daily.
Another freebie that earns you 10 dollars for each referal with there 1000$$$ challenge RIGHT NOW!!!

Apr 21, 2009
Apr 18, 2009
Apr 13, 2009
If you have the heart the heart has you
There are so many thing to do when your moving and let me tell you it takes alot of ambition to get up every day of those two weeks in the beginning of a move knowing that all there is to do is run run run. On top of all the mommy duties you do already now there packing and keeping track of more important things besides the kids. We have been running non stop for two weeks and today I finally see light at the end of my tunnel. The husband is off to the new job the stuff is unpacked the things a organized he best to be for now and life might I say might slow down this week. I don't know how we all kept going...Between the packing the 10 hours drive 4 times to get it all here and the unpacking...OMG how did we survive not to mention getting the semi ready to go over the road when its been in the oil Fields for a year. There was so much mud in places you wouldn't think there could be Inside and out. But here we are at the end of a long and yet another long move and hope fully there isn't one in the very near future since this is our second BIG LONG move in the last year.
My advice to anyone is If you have the heart you will surely endure...because your heart always has you. Stick together work it thru and makes the best out of any situation you ever find yourselves in even if it means moving away from everything you know...Because life is and always will be what you make of it.

Apr 3, 2009
Mar 31, 2009
Mar 30, 2009
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