I'm sure twitter is not all that hard once you know what
your doing but
I'm new and would like to feed my blog
through it with my
rss feeder
but i
don't see an option to
do that...So does this mean I have to post everyday on twitter as well as my blog...
It cant be that much of a pain in the butt can it?
I have so many things to do today and I seem to get nothing dome because i end up fiddling around with other things and the time just
flys away...Guess i should learn to focus more.
Do you all get that so0me days you are so easily distracted ,.,,,,God I tell my kids to pay attention and look at me today...Well better go get something done
before i lose track again my hubby been calling me like crazy to get me to have my stuff done and still i am merely lingering in front of this damn computer. Before I know the kids will be home and Here I am with nothing accomplished again